We have invested heavily in the protection of our brands, the protection is under Trade Mark Law which operates separately from the "Passing Off" common law, we have protected our Trade Mark's in the following sections section 09, Section 16, section 41, and section 25, all covering the goods and services we offer as a dance company.
Further details regarding Trade Marks are available at our reception desk at all of the venues, or you can view all the trade marks on the UK IPO web site.
"LEROC" (Logo) ®, is a Registered Trade Mark of: Mr Billy Cullen, LEROC (Scotland) Ltd.
"LEROC Dance Addiction" ®, is a Registered Trade Mark of: Mr Billy Cullen, LEROC (Scotland) Ltd."LEROC BIG Dance " ®, is also a registered Trade Mark of Billy Cullen LEROC (Scotland) Ltd.
LEROC Scotland Ltd
Call Billy on: 0771 972 1252
LEROC Scotland Ltd
All photography used on this site is subject to copyright © 2020.